Pierre-Luc Pomerleau

P.h.D in Business Administration with specialization in Homeland Security

Recent Teaching Experience

Université Polytechnique de Montréal


Online Lecturer Information Security and Risk Management

CF170 course:

This course is designed to study the Information Security risk management process. Risk analysis: objectives, methodology, choice of tools. Analysis of business impacts. Classification of information about risk and how to carry risk analysis to ensure business continuity, effective controls, and quality assurance.

Course info (French): https://www.polymtl.ca/etudes/cours/gestion-de-risques-de-linformation

News article (French) about the course: https://www.ledevoir.com/societe/science/502284/securite-informatique-a-l-universite

Université Polytechnique de Montréal


Online Lecturer Cyberfraud

CF100 course:

The history of cyberfraud. Introduction and review of the methods used. Case study of favorable environments for cyber fraud: online banking, e-commerce, auctions, online games, etc. Phishing: presentation of techniques and practical examples. Review of prevention, detection, and deterrence measures. Introduction to authentication mechanisms. Introduction to the concepts of risk management and law supporting the prevention of cyberfraud. Model of trust and risk of reputation.



Université Polytechnique de Montréal


Online Lecturer Cybersecurity Governance

CR320 course:

Trends in information security. Information security and risk management. Investigation: law, regulations, compliance. Information security models. Operational security. Physical and environmental security. Security policies, standards, procedures and laws. Training and awareness. Strategic plan and business alignment


Université Polytechnique de Montréal


Online Lecturer Cybersecurity Management


Introduction to cybersecurity management concepts in private companies. Key elements of various cybersecurity programs in a management context: understanding business needs and cost-benefit analysis. The role of the cybersecurity manager and the CISO, leadership skills (cyber leadership), risk management and the relationship with senior management. Management of a fusion center. Strategic planning, investment planning, security programs and human ressource management.